Laurie's Blogs.


May 2015

DeClawing Plantargrade Stance Complication

Hi Laurie -A veterinarian-friend called me because a month or so after doing a laser surgery declawing on his own cat,the cat started hyperextending the carpus and is now walking plantargrade on both front limbs.  He has been talking to his veterinarian friends who say it is...
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May 2015

Shoulder case... going backwards - what do I do?

Hi there!I had contacted you several months ago regarding my first rehab patient. It was a dog with MSI of the left shoulder with biceps and supraspinatus tendinopathy. He had been lame for over 2 years before I saw him. Since we last spoke a lot has happened! He had been do...
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May 2015

Help! I can't get my charts done!

My last question is, were you ever bogged down in your medical records? I end up spending all my free time completing them and never have time any more to keep up on journals, your website, etc.  maybe there is a section on the website you can direct me to.L.----As for the m...
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May 2015

You're good at what you do… so what? (Business Discussion)

So as many of you were aware of, I was at the STAAR Conference the week before last… and I promised to offer some insights into what I took away from it all.Firstly, it was fabulous to meet / reacquaint with so many rehab folks that are dedicated to providing quality care ...
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Apr 2015

Amputee prosthetic limb use

Hi Laurie,Another request for any insight you may have.  I am seeing Lexi who had her RFL traumatically amputated just below the elbow while in an abusive situation in May 2014.   Since then, she has (thankfully) been rescued, brought to VT and now is part of a wonderfu...
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Apr 2015


Hello Laurie!Hope life is treating you well and - that you're not overworking your wonderful self!Do you have any special neuro physio thoughts about treating cavaliers with Chiari Malformation & Syringomyelia?Looking forward to hearing from you.You're doing SO brilliantly wi...
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Apr 2015

Vestibulitis case

Hi Laurie! Love your site and how you are real and down to earth. I was wondering if you had any information on vestibular rehab for dogs. Trying to use my human techniques but I feel there is more I should be doing. Problem in this dog stems from middle ear infection which ...
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Apr 2015

Straight leg situation!

Hi Laurie,I was hoping for some advice on this one.  Molly is a 3 yr FS Maremma / guardian dog. Bilateral evidence of cruciate disease but left had complete tear, so went to surgery recently.  Clients could not afford TTA, so went with extra capsular repair.  No me...
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Mar 2015

Smelling Your Patients!

Here's a response I got to the guest blog on treating cats...Totally agree with Dani on the Blog: Letting a cat sniff around your head and hair is a must. I tend to use my nose a lot with dogs and my own cats. Don't know if it's because I have allergies to both dogs and cats, but...
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Mar 2015

Tibial Tubercle Avusion

Laurie:I tried searching the Yahoo Rehab group for previous discussions for recommended rehab for post op avulsion fractures of the tibial tuberosity in a puppy, but couldn’t find any.We have a patient that was boarding with us.  He’s a Maltese-X approx 3-4 month...
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