Laurie's Blogs.


Jan 2015

Puppy with cruciate tear... what to do?

I was wondering if I could ask you a quick question. I know you're playing catch-up on your emails and don't want to overload you, but here goes...I have a 5 month old black lab that was hit by a skier and ruptured a cruciate (the irony, right?).  My concern is that the lack...
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Jan 2015

Medial shoulder instability - how much to stabilize?

Hi LaurieI have a question about a dog I saw today (actually I saw three at various stages in the same day!) who require hobbles for MSI.In all three cases, (and different rDVM orthopedic specialists) the owners are avoiding surgery and/or had been advised it is not nec...
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Jan 2015

Patellar Tendinopathy Post TPLO

Hi Laurie I have a topic suggestion for you:Patellar Tendonitis - seen most often with dogs with TPLO - have you seen it with other CCL repair techniques?I have seen post-op x-rays where the patellar tendon is 2-3x the size of what it should be.  I see a lot of dogs wit...
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Jan 2015

Goal setting or Intention-based value living

In last week's blog, I reviewed my year and took note of goals accomplished and goals "denied".  This week's blog is a discussion and instruction in a novel way to 'set goals' or rather, identify a method to create 'intention-based value living.  It's what I'm trying fo...
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Dec 2014

LEH - 2014 Year in Review

This week I have been reading and listening to blogs and audios that relate to goal setting for the New Year… and we’ll get to that next week.  But this week, for my own sanity (and perhaps for your benefit too), I want to review my year.  The first aspect ...
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Dec 2014

Does the dog have an 'off season'?

A few weeks ago I receive an invitation from a client of mine to join a Facebook group dedicated to canine conditioning and training.  I'm not much of one to participate in such things, but I figured I should accept the invitation and if need be, I could always leave the gro...
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Dec 2014

Bad weather Indoor exercises

So, I got to thinking that with this being such a busy time of year, and the chance that the weather outside is frightfully cold (or hot… depending on which side of the equator you reside), that you may have a need to recommend some time-saving indoor exercises to your pat...
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Dec 2014

Rehabbing a dog with a funky leg secondary to birth defects

Another patient question: I have a 3 yr old pit bull owned by a rescue with a congenital limb deformity. It’s a tiny deformed, nonfunctional right front leg that just dangles a bit (think T Rex). The problem is that the "good" leg has some really funky compensations going o...
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Nov 2014

Grade 3 Patellar Luxations

HI Laurie,  I am searching for some experience that I do not have yet.  I recently saw a 6 month old labor doodle pup who has grade 3 LPLs Bilaterally. The surgeon, who is usually very positive supporter of PT/ Rehab, but for this case scenario he is saying &l...
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Nov 2014

Blog - If I build it, will they come?

Hello Laurie! I have recently found your website and it has been very useful to me as I am a recently graduated CCRP. I am in the process of working with a clinic to establish a sustainable rehabilitation program in their hospital and was hoping you might be able to give som...
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