recommendations for stifle brace

Discussion related to the musculoskeletal system - injuries, post-op, lameness, extremity issues (joint, muscle, tenon, fascia...), axial skeleton issues, etc., as it relates to canine rehabilitation.
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recommendations for stifle brace

Post by jenrehab »

I am about to see a large 15 year pitbull that apparently tore his ACL. As far as I know, the dog has not had a stifle xray, so osteosarcoma is not ruled out. The dog sounds incredibly aggressive according to the rDVM's notes, so I'm sure xrays can't be taken without sedation. The dog has been on cartrophen and NSAIDs for weeks, but no improvement. The owner won't do surgery at his age. I will of course be recommending an xray when I see this dog. Anyhow, if this is a full ACL tear and the dog is pretty unstable on it, I am likely going to recommended a brace. I am wondering if there is a consensus out there as to which company creates the most effective knee brace - both custom made and off the shelf.
I appreciate your input.
Jennifer Stelfox

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Re: recommendations for stifle brace

Post by lehughes »

Hey Jennifer,

We've had a handful of aggressive or fearful dogs need a brace. For US, we had a mobile vet come in to sedate them in order to do the casting. It went quite well there-after. (Of course, you can sedate them yourself. Bonus!)

I'm still a fan of Hero. (And FourLeg members get a discount). Orthopets would be next on my list. Followed by K9 Orthotics. If it's a crazy complicated, build a prosthetic limb, then I'd go with Derrick Campana at Animal Ortho Care.
Off the shelf - less expensive, but you're fooling yourself if you think they actually 'stabilize the leg'. However, a circumferential 'wrap' (which is what the over the counter ones should be considered to be), can help with proprioception. In which case, we have had success in a few cases with Wound-Wear and the A-trac. Another OTC is Balto Braces. To be honest, you might actually get away with it in a 15 yo dog.
We have an older BMD with suspected cancer in an A-trac right now, and she's doing great! Would I put a younger, more active dog in one? No. But you pick and choose the situation / scenarios / etc.

Best of luck!


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