Carpal Valgus

Discussion related to the musculoskeletal system - injuries, post-op, lameness, extremity issues (joint, muscle, tenon, fascia...), axial skeleton issues, etc., as it relates to canine rehabilitation.
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Carpal Valgus

Post by Vetgal83 »

Hello all,

I am opening a small animal rehab facility and I am very excited that I am getting true rehab patients. BUT I have not had experience with some of these type of cases yet. This sweet girl has carpal valgus, but in the past few months the extreme external rotation has increased per the owner. I cant get the video to post but she starts out about 45 degree angle and as weight is held on the joint the rotation becomes more dramatic (about 90 degrees :shock: ) until she lifts the leg, replaces and starts the rotation again. SX was recommended as an only option, I am wondering if there is any orthotic that could benefit her.
Left Carpal Valgus
Left Carpal Valgus
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Re: Carpal Valgus

Post by lehughes »

Congrats on opening a new rehab place! Hooray, I wish you all the best!

As for cases like this! Ohh, tough ones.

So, indeed, surgery would be the best way to 'normalize' the limb as much as possible. Nothing you will do in regards to exercise or bracing will change this joint position / limb position.

However, if the owner was adamant that surgery was not in the picture, then I think I'd go with a soft / neoprene brace for support only. Anything rigid, and the forces with transfer elsewhere and/or the dog won't be able to use the necessary adaptations to use the leg at all. For this dog, in order to function, it needs to modify how it uses the leg. It's normal will never be the 'textbook normal'. So part one of your rehab plan is to accept that (and/or have the owner accept that).

Part two of your rehab will be to protect the joint from, and/or minimize future breakdown. This is where I see a brace coming into play. My go-to for this would be Therapaw.

So long as the owner is willing to accept that the 'rehab solution' is 'management' (not cure), then you can do that. (And of course treatment of secondary issues - spine / ribs, contralateral side troubles, etc.)

I hope this helps! All the best!

PS The only way I've gotten videos to work is to post them to my YouTube channel and then paste the link here. Sorry...

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