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laser peer reviewed research article

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 1:47 am
by jenrehab
I had a science teacher in last month with his minature schnauzer with acute IVDD. Applied standard medical and rehab program for an IVDD (HEPs, mobility restrictions, NSAIDs, and laser). Owner was very dubious about the laser even after I gave an explanation of its function and effects. He claimed he had done on line research and everything said that laser was "bullshit" and there was no research to show that it had any effect.
So....I looked for some articles that I could share with this owner regarding laser research. I found various article by Bjordal, Chow, Cho and Soriano that show that laser has improved outcomes on wound healing, OA, acute inflammation compared to placebos, but none of these articles explained lasers mechanism of action.
I feel for this owner to have any belief in laser therapy (and in me not practicing Voodoo), I need to show him an article that shows that laser's outcome is not only statistically better than the placebo, but also explains laser's mechanisms of action.
Can anyone refer me to a peer reviewed paper that supplies both?
Thanks so much
Jennifer Stelfox, DVM, CCRT

Re: laser peer reviewed research article

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 8:11 pm
by David Lane
I briefly considered uploading photographs of the pages and pages of references in this text, but decided instead to just upload a link and suggest he buy his own copy: ... z0QAvD_BwE

Given the enormous volume of research out there, for him to have concluded globally that laser therapy is bovine excrement, then either he is not looking at peer reviewed literature, or he is unable to distinguish laser therapy from visible light therapy... either way, I suspect either he is over representing how much he has researched this topic, or his mind was already made up. One way to test his ability to learn new information in an unbiased manner is to ask if he thinks global warming is real, and/or what shape the earth is.

Re: laser peer reviewed research article

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2020 8:17 pm
by David Lane
ADDENDUM: I just went to google scholar, and entered "meta analysis photobiomodulation" and clicked on the top 3 entries... all of which concluded a positive effect.

Re: laser peer reviewed research article

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 4:31 am
by jenrehab
Hi David: Thanks for your quick reply on this. I tried to access the link that you attached and it didn't take me to a specific site. Do you have different link that I can go to for these articles?

Re: laser peer reviewed research article

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 8:03 pm
by larm40
Hi Jennifer
If you go to the website for Companion lasers there are a few short videos that are really good that explain the mechanisms of laser therapy and how it effects the mitochondria of the cells etc. I think this would be a really good thing for him to look at. I agree though, sometimes people have their minds made up that it is BS or Voodoo ... er-therapy

Re: laser peer reviewed research article

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 8:49 pm
by lehughes
How very maddening!

Well, feel free to direct him to the page where I uploaded a presentation I made to the Australian Canine Rehabilitation Association. The handout is there (you could print it off for him if you think he might read it that way) and/or just send him the link.

As for the links above try right clicking them and selecting view in new window / new tab.

Best of luck educating the 'educator'!!!

