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Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 8:13 pm
I do have a cat for weight loss and conditioning. He does have weakness on his back legs with some atrophy. Any suggestions on exercises? We did try toys, not much interest, but I think food may work. I was thinking obstacle course, jumping up onto low area first building up to jumping up a chair. Do trail with food instead of just using the bowl.
Any other suggestions?

Re: Cats

Posted: Mon Jun 06, 2016 1:51 am
by lehughes
As I'm sure that you are aware, diet is huge. While I'm much more familiar with dog weight loss (diets & nutritional counseling), I'm sure that there are such things for cats as well.

My other suggestions:
Would he be interested or enticed by a laser pointer dot?
Maybe a feather on a string?
What about one of those electric balls with a fake 'weasel' attached to it (and it rolls around)?
Owners could just generally be 'annoying' (i.e. moving the cat from spot to spot when it is lounging so that it has to move to get back to where he was / his favourite spot)?
Sometimes just being annoying so that the cat wants to move away can work too: i.e. put him on the bed or a minitrampoline, then bounce on it.
If you had a land treadmill, I'd suggest trying it with rear legs only on it. i.e. let the front legs be on a platform or non slip surface at the front of the treadmill, hold it's body, and turn it on so that the rear legs HAVE to move!

Check his back as well. I've found lots of cats with stiff & sore backs, and of course back pain could result in immobility. Cats do great with acupuncture, laser, & craniosacral therapy I've found.

I hope these ideas spark some thoughts. I'd love to hear if others have ideas to share!