Laurie's Blogs.
Jul 2014
Jul 2014
Function… Function… Function & a Comprehensive Physical Exam!
Fair warning… This blog is a wee bit of a rant. This week at the clinic we experienced a couple of incidents where our assessment and recommendations were at odds with these clients' veterinarians. And the reason for this boils down to a difference in assessmen...
Jun 2014
Jun 2014
E-Stim and patient compliance
Hello Laurie, I was reading through your slides on modalities, specifically the NMES portion and I wanted to ask your opinions on the parameters you use. I noticed you prefer 5 HZ for disuse atrophy. Is this what you use on most of your patients with success? What...
Jun 2014
Jun 2014
OCD Post Op Protocol
Hi Laurie, I have an 11 month old Mastiff that is coming for rehab post-op from bilateral OCD surgery. I was wondering what kind of protocol you would recommend? The surgeon is quite conservative and recommending strict restriction with only leash outside for elimination and...
Jun 2014
Jun 2014
Weak Adductors
Hi Laurie, I would be interested in knowing your favourite ( spelled correctly ) exercises for old dogs with weak adductor muscles. I do a lot of exercises, ball work, weight shifting, UWTM etc with these guys but would like your take on it--particularly these ol...
Jun 2014
Jun 2014
My week in review… the clinic's perspective
In this blog, I just want to give you an update on my clinic… and by thoughts as it pertains to where we're at currently. So with the arrival of spring (yes, it's finally green here, and temperatures are a bit nicer), our underwater treadmill appointments have slowed...
Jun 2014
Jun 2014
Lastly… some abstracts regarding Swimmer's Tail
Thank you to Dr Julie Buzby for submitting these abstracts related to Swimmer's Tail / Cold Tail / Limber Tail.Rounding out your education and thought-processing on Swimmers' tail (cold tail, limber tail, etc), here are a couple of abstracts. What Is Limber Tail Syndrome?Can...
May 2014
May 2014
More about Swimmers Tail…
I received one e-mail with feedback about the Swimmers Tail. So I wanted to provide that commentary and figured to find some additional background for everyone… Here we go: According to Wikipedia:Limber tail syndrome, or acute caudal myopathy, is a disorder of t...
May 2014
May 2014
Dock Diving Swimmers Tail
Hi LaurieI hope this is a quick question. A group of labs from Edmonton went to Calgary for Pet Expo last weekend for the Dock Dog competition. They had to jump in extremely cold water off a dock. Almost all of them developed tail injuries by t...
May 2014
May 2014
Taping for Medial Patellar Luxations?
Dear Laurie, Quick 2 questions:1. Do you use or know of a way to tape the patella for MPL in small breed dogs? Is it effective at aIl? I have a client coming On Thursday with a King Charles kav. Owners don't want surgery.2. Do you believe that you can avoid surgery in ...
May 2014
May 2014
MANUAL THERAPY… The heart of comprehensive rehab!
I just got back from the STAAR conference in the United States. It's one I've gone to (as an instructor) for the last 5 years. It's a great conference with lots of hands on training for participants, networking for everyone, camaraderie all around, and good food too!&...