Laurie's Blogs.
Nov 2012
Nov 2012
Kyphosis in the growing dog
Over my canine rehab career, I have seen a number of young dogs that presented for treatment due to a kyphotic (roached) posture. The dogs were primarily show dogs, and the owners had noted a change in their topline between the time that they were under a year of age, up to...
Nov 2012
Nov 2012
Kyphosis in a Dachshund
Hi Laurie,
I have a question – how to prevent kyphosis?
Phoebe 10yrs old dachshund, spayed, weight 14.8lbs. She had trouble with her back on and off for a few years. 7/20/2012 - Para paresis rear legs with complete CP deficits rear legs and pain on palpation...
Oct 2012
Oct 2012
Treatment of Disc Lesions
Hi Laurie,
I have a couple questions if I may.
When do you start tractions, spinal mobilizations, ROM, and rib movement? One - Some patients are quite painful right after disc injury. Two – The usual recommendations are cage confinement and zero movement for first few...
Oct 2012
Oct 2012
The Incontinence Survey
So, perhaps you remember the informal survey I did a while back about continence in dogs. What ever happened there?? Well here’s what I found:
Respondents were directed to answer one of two surveys depending upon which dog (if more than one) they were basing the...
Oct 2012
Oct 2012
Why do so many canine rehab businesses fail?
This is an interesting question asked of me recently – and I think it comes down to several factors in my opinion.
Firstly, it is likely relevant to realize that the majority (80%) of businesses fail within their first year of existence! Why? Business experts ...
Oct 2012
Oct 2012
My Week in Review
So I’d like to start off by stating my amazement that I receive NO e-mails n response to my ‘Relationship Marketing’ blog last week! Zero, Nada, Zip! Well, either I really missed my mark on that one (i.e. you don’t want marketing tips) OR, I&rs...
Oct 2012
Oct 2012
The Evolution of Relationship Marketing
Relationship marketing refers to all marketing activities directed toward establishing, developing, and maintaining successful relational exchanges. Papers that describe and engage in the study of relationship marketing seem to have roots in the early 1990s. The term ...
Sep 2012
Sep 2012
Dachshund with Kyphosis
Question:Hi Laurie, I have a question – how to prevent kyphosis?Phoebe 10yrs old dachshund, spayed, weight 14.8lbs. She had trouble with her back on and off for a few years. 7/20/2012 - Para paresis rear legs with complete CP deficits rear legs and pain on palpat...
Sep 2012
Sep 2012
Hot, Cold & Laser...
Question – Is it important when using a laser that the patient is not warmed up? I know in my course-work, I was taught that ice increases the effectiveness of the laser. I have always tried to laser first before I do anything. Now that I have an assistant...
Sep 2012
Sep 2012
Leap of Faith
Have you ever had the feeling that you were meant to do something, to take action, to make a change… Something specific to you! It’s a feeling that just takes over, but it would be a huge shift. A huge change in your life. A leap of faith! I&rs...