Laurie's Blogs.


Oct 2016

Favourite Vet Marketing Strategies

I posted the following question on the FourLeg Forum, and I like the discussion that ensued.  Have a read!


Putting it out there and looking for discussion & sharing of ideas:

What are your favourite marketing 'tactics' and 'strategies' for marketing to (potential) referring veterinarians?

Note: A strategy is a multi-part or sequences plan. A tactic is a 'one-of' thing.

Most people use tactics... but if even if we share tactics, we can build that into a strategy.

(i.e. do THIS, then THAT, then THAT again, then some other THIS or THAT...)


Okay folks... start sharing!




My favourite strategy is when i get a client that comes in with a referral from a vet who does not even know rehab exsists (the owner found me by a 'friend'). Inevitably during a session the owner will talk about how happy they are they found me. And this is when you market!...Have a package to give them( services, brochures, etc )and have the owner take it to the vet clinic. 

I have gotten so many clinics that now refer to me following this 'protocal'



We personally visited all of the clinics in our county and 3 surrounding counties, including the specialty clinic sites that have surgeons and neurologists. (We= 2 CCRT vets and our CCRA) We made an appointment ahead of time, prepared a packet for them, and took them food- always take food! Our packet included our brochure, a referral checklist, patient/owner info sheet, our three business cards, and a covenant. The covenant states we will only see their pet for rehab- no vaccines, meds, diets, radiographs, etc. Rehab only. (We are a small animal general practice) It states we will adhere to this for 1 full year after the patient is discharged from rehab. One colleague was skeptical about the 1 year timeline so I told him to mark through it and put whatever time limit he wanted, including forever. We sign it, the referring vet signs it, and the patient's owner signs it. We have had many referrals, including the specialists. We have adhered to the covenant without any push back from the clients. After we assess the patient, our CCRA will follow up with the referring vet via telephone and/or email. So far, so good.

We also do email blasts, Facebook posts, blogs and videos on our website, and notices posted in our hospital. We have had 2 open houses and are planning another.

I would love to hear from others!

Thanks, Steve


We are opening a rehab only facility 2 buildings down from my small animal practice Nov 1st and have a similar plan to what it looks like Steve has implemented. But I think I'll expand my area that we visit after his 3 surrounding counties comment. I already have a few driving a ways so I'm not sure why I wasn't planning on inviting the surrounding areas also

We are planning on a veterinary community only open house along with a separate general public open house. Hopefully with a letter ahead of time then hand delivered invites we will generate interest.



Do you have favourite strategies that YOU use?  Pass along your ideas.  I’d be happy to compile them and add to the ideas above!

Cheers!  Laurie

