Laurie's Blogs.


Jul 2018

Canada Day Inspirations!


So, here I sit, on Canada Day (July 1st). Canada is 151 years old.  (We’re such babies!  That’s why we have great skin!)  And I’m trying to think of what to write about!  I should have drafted a blog on Monday or Wednesday or Friday… but each of those days was taken up by something else.  Thus, leaving me with nothing but a pressing need to whip together a last-minute blog!


Feeling rather prideful in my country… and having spent the morning on Facebook reading, liking, and sharing some great Canadiana videos, memes, and photos, I’m wondering ‘how does this relate to canine rehab?’  So here goes:


I shared a video on Diversity.

Well, this arena of Canine Rehab is very diverse.  We have a multitude of practitioners with a variety of backgrounds working in the field.  Each person brings unique skill and lens through which to treat the patient.  None of us are done learning from the other(s).  To shut the doors on any one of us will only hurt the animals who need access to the services that ALL of us are providing.  To make the hoops so hard to jump through that only a few practitioners can practice, is likewise, only detrimental to the animals we all serve.


I shared a video that ended with “Canada, we may not be perfect, but we’re trying.”  (Such a Canadian sentiment… man, we’re nerds!)

Well, this makes me think about how we all need to strive to be better and do better.  Continue our education.  Look ahead for the next great thing that will help our patients.  Look behind to be sure we’ve not thrown away something useful that should be reinstated into our care plans.  Evolve legislation so that animals can safely access the variety of practitioners stepping up to fill client-identified needs for the care of their animals.  


I shared a video that was 2 minutes of “Pure Canadian Joy” – a compilation of things that Canadians sent in to share their favourite things about Canada.  It ended up being entirely about enjoying nature and being outside!

One of the video footages was about seeing polar bears and beluga whales, and it reminded me of my trip to Churchill, Manitoba and kayaking and snorkeling with Beluga Whales.  What a rush!  Something I never expected to ever do in life, but something that really made an impact and burnt warm fuzzy (actually they feel like wet rubber) memories in my brain!  So, from a Canine Rehab perspective, I’m going to say… Don’t be afraid to try something new!  Change things up.  Be creative.  Be open to new ways to do things.  In order to learn more and grow more, we must be willing to try new things.  To think outside the box!  So, don’t be afraid to INVENT some of your own treatments!


I shared a video about a bunch of dorky Canadian things (all of which are true by the way – like wearing a poppy that stabs you on November 11th, Ketchup & All Dressed potato chips, the Canadian House hippo, Body Break commercials, being annoyed when you have to pay $17 for crutches, when the rest of your healthcare was free!)

So, from a Canadian Rehab perspective, this makes me think about how many similarities we all share.  Being annoyed at the ‘Nay-sayers’ who proclaim, “There’s no evidence that this rehabilitation stuff works!  I’m not referring my patients.” Yet, also being overjoyed at the great success we see with our patients and the pride we feel in doing something so meaningful and impactful as a career!


And with that last statement, I’m going to leave it here!  Enjoy your week everyone!  From this Canadian to all of you, all over the world!  I’m happy you’re all with me on this journey!




