Laurie's Blogs.
Feb 2024
An Interesting Study About Fibrotic Myopathy
A recent study was published on Fibrotic Myopathy. This of course is a condition where by a caudal thigh muscle develops fibrosis. It tends to occur in semitendinosis muscle or the gracilis muscle. Etiology is not fully understood.
Here’s the study:
Wilson SA, Binversie EE, Kohler N, Patterson MM, Sample SJ, Muir P. Fibrotic myopathy and contracture of the caudal thigh musculature: a prospective study of 41 dogs (2019-2022). J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2023 Jul 19:1-6.
The premise of the study reported here was to prospectively analyze dogs diagnosed with fibrotic myopathy. 41 dogs were recruited to the study.
Medical records were obtained upon referral, data collected, and pedigrees obtained.
What did they find?
“In the study population, breeds included 37 GSDs, a Belgian Malinois, a Belgian Malinois cross, and 2 dogs with a GSD phenotype and no pedigree. Mean age at fibrotic myopathy diagnosis was 5.9 +/- 2.0 years, and duration of lameness before diagnosis was 5.6 months and ranged from 0.75 to 18 months. Males were overrepresented at 61% of the study population. Inherited familial risk for fibrotic myopathy in the GSD was supported by pedigree analysis.”
MY 2 Cents?
Well, not much more about the study itself. Fascinating that pedigree analysis was taken into consideration, and of course, this highlights the need to further studies into genetics and heritability.
Members might recall (or go and find) the Training Video I did on this topic: Video Training 223. In which I covered assessment as well as survey results and a literature review regarding treatment.
Two research papers showed favourable results with adipose-derived stems cell injections.
Survey respondents were largely frustrated by these cases, but some degree of success was noted by those that used stem cells and/or shockwave therapy.
It’s interesting just how much there still is to learn and develop! Keep on learning and trying things!
Until next time,
Cheers! Laurie