Laurie's Blogs.


Apr 2021

Lumbosacral Disease Part 2

Laurie Edge-Hughes, BScPT, MAnimSt, CAFCI, CCRT

Well, the universe just keeps on providing learning opportunities on this subject!  This past week, both in terms of cases AND in terms of online education, I am seeing more and more lumbosacral tidbits of information and clinical pearls. Firstly, I am still waiting to ...
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Apr 2021

Diaper Suspenders... Owners can be so clever!

As usual, owners of dogs with disabilities are AMAZING!  Such is the case with this ‘diaper hack’. I was at my clinic the other day and out from one of the other treatment rooms comes a little Frenchie wearing suspenders!!  Suspenders from harness to di...
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Mar 2021

Possible Early Sign of Lumbosacral Disc Disease

Laurie Edge-Hughes, BScPT, MAnimSt, CAFCI, CCRT

Lately I’ve been seeing more initial assessment than I usually do.  I’m covering a maternity leave at my clinic and doing extra hours to fill in missing time slots.  This means that as compared to my normal schedule where I see my regular clients, or provide...
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Mar 2021

Things to Learn AFTER You’ve Obtained Your Animal Rehab / Vet Physio Qualification

Thank you to everyone that participated!  Twenty-two of you took the time to provide feedback!  That’s amazing!  Some wonderful answers!  Let’s get to it!

 Who answered the call?•10 Veterinarians•9 Physios / PTs•3 Veterinar...
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Mar 2021

CCL Surgical Management in the Literature – Knowledge Nuggets

I have stacks of JAVMA’s laying around.  Periodically, they are sorted through and all of the small animal ortho or neuro articles are ripped out and set aside to read at a later date.  Well, this is one of those later dates!  There are some good insights in ...
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Mar 2021


Last month I did a survey.  It was about rehab correlations.  Things you’ve noticed as a rehab practitioner that go together.  My example was, cruciate injury and trigger points in the Quads, Sartorius, and Tensor fascia lata.  Thank you to those that pa...
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Feb 2021

Seizure-Precipitating Factors in Epileptic Dogs

Laurie Edge-Hughes

I found an interesting review of a paper.This is the paper:
Forsgård JA, Metsähonkala L, Kiviranta AM, et al. Seizure precipitating factors in dogs with idiopathic epilepsy. J Vet Intern Med. 2019;33(2):701-707.And this is the review:
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Feb 2021

Post-Op ACL Reconstruction and Return to Sport

Laurie Edge-Hughes

 Remember the blog about why dog owners post rehab questions on Facebook?  Well, I found another article that plays into the comments about the rehab professionals not being able to help their dogs get back to sport, or were unable to prescribe adequate exercises, or co...
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Feb 2021

Why Animal Physiotherapists do not treat arthritis (but don’t tell anyone).

By Ansi van der Walt, MSc PhysiotherapyWhat is arthritis? Good question. Opinions as to what diagnostic criteria constitute the pathology broadly referred to as osteoarthritis (OA) differs in literature. There are three broad definitions of osteoarthritis. These are radiographic ...
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Feb 2021

Tendinopathy & Hyperalgesia - Snippet of Wisdom and Critical Evaluation of Research

Laurie Edge Hughes

You know when you read research articles and you start by reading the title, then the objective, then the conclusion, and THEN the body of the abstract.  That’s how I read abstracts.  It’s a streamlining process to get to the point of deciding whether a jour...
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