Laurie's Blogs.


Jul 2019

Amazing Laser & an IVDD Case

This blog is about a recent case I treated that did amazingly well with (in part… or maybe in whole) to the credit of laser therapy.  Let’s dive in. The patient at hand is the cutest little miniature short haired dachshund.  So, you can guess, that the...
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Jul 2019

Laser and Pregnancy

Hip-Hip-Hooray!  I love when science comes out with something that either proves or disproves a commonly cited (but not proven) statement!  This is one such thing.  For years (decades… over half a century actually), we’ve been told to not laser over or...
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Jul 2019

Exercise for Pain… But How?

You’ve likely heard that exercise can be a form of pain management.  (If you’ve not, then you really need to read more!)  But if you (or in our case, your furry patient) is in pain, then how much exercise should you prescribe? A wonderful (human) blog...
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Jun 2019

A little story about a suture reaction and a novel suggestion for treatment

Usually, I try to find blog inspiration from those that I assume are smarter than me.  However, this week, I want to pass along a little story of a very interesting case, and an off the wall thought I had about it. So, this case was a typical cruciate tear.  Trauma...
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Jun 2019

Guest Blog - Long Term Patients

 A question came up on a Vet-Rehab chat group.  Essentially, a question had been posed by a rehab vet in regards to a long-term client that wasn’t improving or rather was sort of slowly deteriorating (as old dogs do).  The question was along the lines of what...
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Jun 2019

Obesity & Osteoarthritis

Are you looking for a little bit of ammunition to help discuss weight loss with the owners of osteoarthritic dogs?  Well, I found a fantastic blog that does just that! I’m going ...
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Jun 2019

Are you getting burnt out in your canine rehab / physio career?

 What Is Burnout?Wikipedia defines occupational burnout as the result of long-term, unresolvable, job stress. It can also occur when you have worked in a physically or emotionally draining role for a long time. Additionally, you can also experience burnout when your eff...
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Jun 2019

What do you do if you Flare Up a patient?

None of us ever intend to flare up a patient’s problems, but if you’re doing any kind of rehab, it’s going to happen from time to time.  So, best to know how to deal with the situation.  This was the topic of a blog post I found at:
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May 2019

Returning to Sport from a Shoulder Injury

 This is such an important and timely topic… regardless of the species.  I could likely write it off the cuff.  However, I was inspired by a great blog on the topic.  It contains five ...
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May 2019

Shoulder injury? Check the thoracic spine too!

Sit up tall.  Raise one arm up and above your head.  Bring it down.  Then test your other arm.  Bring it down.  Then try to raise both arms simultaneously.  Did you notice that at the end of the movement, you felt it in your thoracic spine?  Now...
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