Laurie's Blogs.


Mar 2019

A threat to one is a threat to all! A like for one is a like for all!

I’m sure that all of you are on some kind of social media network.  Facebook.  Instagram.  Linked-In.  Twitter.  (Or Whatever!)  I use Facebook as a marketing platform mostly… and just a little bit of keeping up with family, friends, nei...
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Feb 2019

Mobilize or Exercise… what to do with that OA joint?

 Things happen for a reason!  This week I was having a discussion with the intern that was with us about mobilization for OA joints.  How much time do I spend mobilizing versus other therapies?  To be honest, the answer might surprise you!  And as fate wo...
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Feb 2019

Newsworthy Neuro Updates

Today’s blog is inspired by a two journal articles that crossed my desk recently.  While unrelated, they both fit into the category of Neuro and may be useful in enhancing your knowledge or clinical decision making!  Let’s dive in! von Pfeil DJF, Z...
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Feb 2019

Strong Old Dogs

What do you do with the old dog?  Let him rest?  Throw a bunch of cardio at him? Is there something that will help the senior dog live a little longer?  Well, there’s some human research that might shed some light. A journal article, Muscular Strength as...
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Feb 2019

The gifts you have to give

 You’re smarter than you think and you have more to offer than you realize!  Where is this blog going, you might be wondering?  Well, this past Saturday I had the pleasure of doing a talk for Alberta Dachshund Rescue, and on Tuesday this week, I’ll give...
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Jan 2019

Movement Specialists & Minimal Bells and Whistles

This week my blog post is inspired by two case reports I read of physiotherapists completing their Diploma in Canine Rehabilitation (our Canadian certification, through the Animal Rehab Division of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association), and a newsletter from another Canadian Ph...
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Jan 2019

Follow Up on Distance Consultations

Only a handful of responses came in regarding the Distance Consult Blog and Survey.  However, the handful that did come in are interesting. Firstly, there was a response to it on the FourLeg Facebook page. “Thanks for bringing this up, Laurie. I think it is o...
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Jan 2019

Tele-Canine Rehab

So, this blog sort of jumps out from way out of the blue!  I just happened to come across a postcast on the topic and it got me thinking!   I am...
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Jan 2019

The gift of ignorance!

Here’s a crazy thought!  It was passed on to me by my business partner. I had just said how I wanted to help one of our staff therapists with her hip pain, but that I was far less knowledgeable than some of the therapists she had already seen for her issue already.&nbs...
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Dec 2018

The ONE Item New Year’s Resolution

 I was debating what to write about for this week’s blog.  Would I go searching for new research, wait to see if an interesting case presented itself, or come up with an inspiring New Year’s blog full of inspiration and hope?  However, none of those thi...
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