Laurie's Blogs.


Apr 2020

Book Review - Sit. Stand. Go!

 For this blog post, I wanted to do a book review.  The book is entitled Sit. Stand. Go! by Kate Titus.  I came across this book because I was asked if I would read it and provide a ‘comment’ for the back cover.  My comment sums it up.  &...
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Apr 2020

Neurodynamic techniques and jumping performance

I found a fascinating article that I think could be of relevance to our sporting dogs.  I’m just going to put the abstract up here to start. The immediate effect of neurodynamic techniques on jumping performance: A randomised double-blind studyAksoy, Cihan C. | Ku...
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Apr 2020

Taking Stock

I came across a blog from back in the Fall of 2019 -  The Next-Best-Hardest-Thing. Essentially it gives an account of the author achieving her Pain Science Fellowship.  In light of the world right now, I thought this was a good topic for discussion… but maybe tak...
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Apr 2020

Service Vests and Movement Restriction

A recent study in AJVR (March 2020) revealed that dogs wearing service vests displayed changes in truncal motion.  Researchers Foutz and Budsberg developed a 3-D kinematic model to measure truncal motion in dogs and assess the changes in truncal motion when wearing each of 2...
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Mar 2020

The 14-year-old girl trapped in the body

There once was a little nerve.  She lived in a usually safe space, surrounded by bone to protect her.  Normally nothing bad happened here.  One day however when her owner (a lovely fit large breed sporting dog) was getting into the car, she got pinched.  Norma...
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Mar 2020

Covid-19 Business Survival Strategies

With the chaos around the world right now, very little is being done to help small business owners to survive this crisis.  When we get through this, the economic fall out is going to be huge!  So I compiled some info from several sources to give you ideas, tips, comfor...
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Mar 2020

Gluteal Exercises for the Dog

The inspiration for this blog came from an article that I read regarding exercises for the gluteal muscles in people.  Essentially, the article talked about training the glutes in 3 different positions and how this was key for full retraining of gluteal function.  That ...
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Mar 2020

Guest Blog - Laser for Pulmonary Fibrosis

by Peter A. Jenkins, MBA I've received a few questions about Westie lung disease in the past few years. There's even a Facebook group devoted to it, and a lot of talk about treating it with laser therapy; they seem to believe that it's only effective with Class 4 laser (whic...
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Feb 2020

Competition Dog and Emotional Stress

This blog is very much ‘outside the box’!  In fact, it’s a topic I’ve never heard talked about!Human athletes can suffer injuries not only from training overload or injury but as a result of too much emotional stress!  Sure!  Why not? &...
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Feb 2020

Protocol Survey Responses

 Thank you so much to everyone that responded to the survey I put up last week.  Today I’m sharing with you the responses.  I love survey responses!  We should do more of this!  Okay, here we go! This first question was simply, “Do you us...
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