Laurie's Blogs.


Dec 2019

Abduction Angles... Technique is important!

For many years, I’ve been teaching canine rehab students how to assess glenohumeral abduction angles.  And for years, I hear myself say the same thing.  “More Extension!”  I’ve found it interesting to see how people perform this technique, a...
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Nov 2019

Surfaces that wiggle...

So, the balls, peanuts, donuts, and discs are commonly used in canine rehab and in canine fitness training protocols.  Is there research to back up their use?  Well no!  However, I found an interesting (and I think, related) article from humans! Gibbons, T. J....
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Nov 2019

Dealing with a Nagging Injury

Do you have a patient that just isn’t getting better?  Or perhaps he/she has a recurring injury that has you (and the owner) frustrated and wondering what to do?  Well, that’s the topic of today’s blog!  Dealing with nagging injuries (usually chro...
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Nov 2019

Puppy Troubles Averted

Here’s another ‘true events’ blog.  This one comes from a recent litter assessment.  Oh, let me tell you how fabulous litter assessments are.  Puppy squeezing and kissing!  Who could resist that?  Okay, so I digress.  Here’s t...
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Nov 2019

Loss of motion or stiffness. Is it muscle, soft tissue, or capsule?

I was listening to a podcast-video the other day, and it was a Question & Answer session for physical therapists.  So the question came in:  “How do you differentiate between muscle, soft tissue, or joint capsule in the case of loss of motion or stiffness?&rdq...
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Nov 2019

Poopy-butt, Dingle-berries, Cling-ons, Hang-er-ons, etc.!

You might be thinking, ‘What in the world is Laurie talking about now?’  If so, then perfect!  I love attention grabbing headlines!  In today’s blog, I want to talk about dogs that have poop left behind after they defecate, or dogs that tend to &l...
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Oct 2019

Dietary Supplements for Working (or Sporting) Dogs

 By chance, I came across an article that researched exactly this topic.  Are supplements of any use in dogs, and in particular working dogs? The article on this subject is available in full text format at:
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Oct 2019

Localized Vibration

Last week we talked about (and you watched videos on) whole body vibration.  That was a nice little addition to the 3-part Vibration Platform video series I had for Four Leg members.  This week, I came upon a paper on localized vibration for muscle strength. Alghad...
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Oct 2019

Vibration Platforms in Clinical Practice – Working with Neuro Dogs

 Thank you and big shout out to Beth Williams PT, of the Canine Wellness Center in Reno, Nevada ( for the following! I have attached a couple videos of dogs working on vibration plate -I use an old Soloflex "human" version because that's...
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Oct 2019

Knowing when it's time

 "Layla" (Kimicko Blueberry Sunday), March 6, 2005 - September 30, 2019. Last week started out rough.  We had to put down our 14.5-year-old sheltie.  About 5 days before she suffered a vestibular episode.  No worries! I thought.  I’ve treated p...
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