Laurie's Blogs.


May 2018

Ways your practice has grown from in the past… or are you still in the past??

This blog is inspired by another great Mike Reinold, PT, podcast.  In this issue, the question was about things that practitioners regretted doing or couldn’t believe that they used to do in the past.
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May 2018

IVDD Back Pain & the Crate Rest Fairy!

Okay… so this is a topic that likely requires a whole article, or a workshop, but it’s worth blogging about as well!  I am on several Facebook groups.  Sometimes to be helpful, and sometimes just to see what’s out there and what people are posting.&nb...
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May 2018

Puppy Findings

This week’s blog is just to relate a story to you!   As many of you would be aware (if you’ve been following me for a while), I highly recommend that breeders bring in their litter of puppies for a full assessment when they are about 6 – 8 weeks o...
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May 2018

Survey Results – How do you recharge, revitalize, refresh, or spark your creativity?

Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond.  This was a small survey with a handful of respondents, but with answers worth sharing with everyone.  Sit back, read, and think about how and what applies to you! All respondents said that they did things to help...
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Apr 2018

Enhancing your Creativity

I don’t get much of a chance to ‘read’.  I seem to work 24/7.  If I’m not at my clinic, then I’m working on marketing & business related to my clinic, or creating educational content for Four Leg, preparing lectures, answering dozens of...
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Apr 2018

Blood Flow Restriction Training... Ever heard of it??

This past week while diving into physiotherapy blogs, I ran into the concept of blood flow restriction (BFR) training.  I have to admit, it was something I had never heard of.  I couldn’t imagine what they were talking about.  And, why on earth would you do t...
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Apr 2018

What to do when your patient feels worse after treatment?

Inspiration from: This is really a good question.  And it comes from new-grad PTs in the human field as well as newbies to the animal rehab field. Essent...
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Apr 2018

Bra pain... for real?! The story / blog goes on about a woman who is having thumb pain.  She’s a massage therapist, but her pain is worse when driving!  Pressure makes it feel better (...
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Apr 2018

How best to treat mechanical spinal pain?

I read a lovely little journal article that I wanted to share.  The article was in regards to thrust manipulation versus nonthrust manipulation (i.e. mobilizations) for the treatment of mechanical neck pain. Pragmatically Applied Cervical and Thoracic Nonthrust Manipula...
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Mar 2018

Are you describing that correctly?

An interesting concept is springing up in human medicine.  It is that being cognizant of choosing how to describe our diagnoses and being aware of the impact that your words might have.  The concept goes further to say that when you describe things using medical jargon ...
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