Laurie's Blogs.


Sep 2015

A brachial plexus lesion case - what to do at this point?

Good Afternoon LaurieThank you in advance for any advice you can give.My patient is a 10 month old FS Labrador mix that jumped from a moving vehicle resulting in a brachial plexus partial or complete avulsion on the left side.  Originally she had no motor, but seemed to have...
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Sep 2015

Hip issue, dog issue, & owner issue... what to do?!

Hi Laurie!First time emailer but long time admirer!  I am a very new newbie at Rehab and don't have much in the way of people in my proximity to ask for help so thought I would reach out to you. I am an LVT at a rural small animal practice and although my wonderful vets are ...
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Sep 2015

Troublesome Medial Shoulder Instability

Hey Laurie,Have been reading all of your MSI stuff and watching the videos.  I have client with an agility dog, 5 y/o,  44 lb lab, very fit and well-muscled, has been jumping  20 inches, that I think may have MSI.  She knocks bars and on recent video we were a...
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Aug 2015

Distance in Dock Diving

Hello,I am seeing a new patient who is a 7 yr old Cockapoo dock diver. He is in great shape, but his owner is looking to get a little more distance out of his jumps. He is jumping about 20ft and owner has a goal of 23-25ft. I have never worked with a dock diver specifically ...
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Aug 2015

British Bulldog with a Back or Neck Injury

Good evening LaurieFirstly can I just say thank you for helping me survive my exams to become a fully fledged animal physiotherapist (I only passed on Friday!) ... I found your tutorials and presentations really helpful and inspiring. I guess it is the latter that has prompted me...
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Aug 2015

What every dog owner should know about Idopathic Geriatric Vestibulitis

This blog should really read:  Public Service Announcement to all Dog Owners!  Every dog owner should read this dog – especially if they have an old dog or a dog that they plan on seeing it through to its old age (tongue in cheek… that should be all of you!...
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Aug 2015

NMES / E-stim Settings

Hello!I have been starting to play around with NMES on patients and the settings I was given seem to be very different than what you are doing.  So far both of my patients that I have tried this on (one neuro case - brachial plexus avulsion and one post op cruciate patient) ...
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Aug 2015

I want you... and UWT blog inspiration

Hey Gang!So... I want you!  Check out this video and help me out in creating some great content... and check out what I'm offering in return this time!And to double up on the blog-learning... Here is a link to the most recent blog I wrote for The Canine Fitness Centre (about...
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Jul 2015

Those fat lumps along the dog's back

Dear LaurieI hope you are doing well.Since last year I am the proud owner of a approximately 4 year old female dog, a Puli. She came to me via internet, from an animal shelter, where she had spent 5 months. Prior to that she must have been a dog roaming the streets. When I picked...
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Jul 2015

Gracilis tear in a working dog

Hi Laurie,

Please don'f feel obligated to reply but I'd be grateful for advice. I'm treating a military Belgian shepherd with a nasty gracilis tear. This first happened in January. She was given 6 weeks rest, then straight into work, went lame immediately, and I've now seen ...
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