Laurie's Blogs.
Aug 2013
Aug 2013
Cerebellar hypoplasia... suggestions?
The Question: What can rehab / physio do for a very ataxic dog with cerebellar hypoplasia? My Answer: My thoughts are to:Bandage him with an ace bandage / tensor bandage - to connect his front end to his back end. Not too tight, just a little tension as a rem...
Jul 2013
Jul 2013
Gait abnormalities with a neuro dog
Hi Laurie,I have a dog that underwent a laminectomy (x 2 actually...2 different times!). This recovery is going ok, but since it was a second insult and because she is a senior, I am not optimistic for a full recovery. However, she is walking and functional (yea!), bu...
Jul 2013
Jul 2013
Palpating Iliopsoas
This blog takes you to a video on how to palpate for iliopsoas. It was a question sent to me by e-mail, and I figured this would be useful for anyone wanting to see it versus just read about it!!Laurie...
Jul 2013
Jul 2013
IVDD Regression - thought processing...
Hi Laurie,I am new to rehab-just a few months, so don't have a lot of experience under my belt. I've been a practicing small animal vet for 16 years, started acupuncture 4 years ago, and acquired my CCRT at the end of last year. I am rehabbing a dog for our shelter. &n...
Jul 2013
Jul 2013
Fibrotic Myopathy... Question of the Week!
Hi Laurie,I am getting a new referral for a shepherd with fibrotic myopathy.Any new developments that you know of for treatment for these guys?Haven't seen him yet, but I assume that US, deep tissue work and stretching are the biggies for treatment?Any prognostics you can provide...
Jun 2013
Jun 2013
Chondroitin and Bladder Stones??
Hi Laurie,I wanted to write a question on your website, but I wasn't sure if there was a forum or should just email you.I was reviewing your info on Glucosamine/Chondroitin. I have recently been told by a Nutriceutical Rep that the FDA told them they had to put a warning on...
Jun 2013
Jun 2013
Laser versus acupuncture
Hi LaurieLoving your info, can quote me on that!I use acupuncture heaps but seems like laser would be useful as well. Also, would it be useful to tell us what the advantages/disadvantages of both would be? obvious needle phobias, supersensitive would be better with laser, but I h...
Jun 2013
Jun 2013
What's up with that neurologic pug?
Today's blog is a literature review I conducted and put into a past 4-Leg Newsletter. I thought it was interesting enough to share with everyone. We think we've seen some of these at my clinic, The Canine Fitness Centre... as sometimes, nothing else seemed to fit the ...
Jun 2013
Jun 2013
A Teres Major Case
Hi Laurie! Sorry to bother you do quickly again! My hospital manager has a very high level flyball dog - 4 yr old whippet. Acutely lame 3 weeks ago at competition . First evaluation by her revealed nothing, then later in day he yelped when she pulled his LF out to the...
Jun 2013
Jun 2013
Failure & Clinical Reasoning
Today's blog was inspired by a couple of different scenarios:I had an e-mail asking me about head shaking and neck pain (in two dogs that were clear of having ear infections). So I went back through my 'rolodex' of past patients in my mind and thought - YES… I have s...