Goal setting or Intention-based value living

04 Jan 2015

In last week's blog, I reviewed my year and took note of goals accomplished and goals "denied".  This week's blog is a discussion and instruction in a novel way to 'set goals' or rather, identify a method to create 'intention-based value living.  It's what I'm trying for this year anyways!  If it resonates with you, then come along for the ride and give it a try!


(Note, Members have access to the audio where I discuss this in more depth and fill in the blank worksheets to get started.) 


So, this concept belongs to a marketing guy (Dave Dee - GKIC Marketing) whose information I follow.  He brought up that traditionally when you set goals, they are supposed to be SMART goals:  Specific, Measurable, Attainable, and RelevanT… (or the T could stand for 'Time-bound' or 'Timely').  However the information that this marketing guy discussed was that goal setting in this way could have unintentional deleterious side effects. (And I googled that and found an interesting article from Harvard Business School that was well referenced and cited the following issues...) 


Problems related to goal setting:

•Can create an increase in unethical behaviour (especially if the goal is primarily money-based)

•May result in an over-focus on one area while neglecting other areas

•Can distort a person's risk preferences

•May corrode corporate culture 

•Has the potential to reduce intrinsic motivation and increase stress (especially if the goals don't 'resonate' with a person's values or if it becomes evident that goals might not be met).

Additionally, NOT setting goals could help a company to be more agile in adapting to the external factors as they arise.


So a NEW PHILOSOPHY is that of *Intension-Based Value Living*


If we were to sit back and really think about it, we'd all realize that the things that are most important to us, cannot be 'measured' or 'specific'.  What if my goal was simply to do the best I could in the areas of my life that I value?  


But how? And this is where you get to work!


Step 1:  Define your core values.

Ask yourself, what's important to me in life?  What are my real values?  (Make a list.)

Eg.  Be a good mother.  Be a good wife.  Be in excellent health.  Engage in continuous learning… etc.


Step 2:  Write down your definitions for each value.

Ask yourself things like 'What does being in excellent health mean to me?'

Eg.  To be strong and flexible, to weigh XXX lbs (or kgs), and to have minimal aches and pains.


Step 3:  Identify what you need to do to LIVE each value (on a daily, weekly, & monthly basis).  Don't be too crazy… make these realistic.  Maybe pick 3 in each category.

Eg.  So to be a good mother, perhaps 3 things that I could do to live this value would be to 1) Be encouraging about homework and exams - and acknowledge any small improvements, 2) Spend more time talking with and having discussions with each kid, 3) Make enough money to send them to university / college.  


(NOTE:  Ah ha!  Do you see where money comes in… it doesn't have to be your core value, but there is a reason why you still need to work in some capacity!  But now you can tie it into a core value!)


Step 4:  Create rituals & habits (note, a series of rituals will eventually become a habit).  Doing this will help you to begin to automatically live your values.  Think of monthly, weekly, and daily rituals.  Keep them simple and realistic and only institute one or two new rituals per month.  So write out the rituals that you'd like to instate in each area.

Eg.  Spend time every Sunday creating my weekly plan.  Walk the dogs at least once a week WITH one or both kids.  Consistently eat a diet high in veggies and protein with zero to minimal simple carbs.  


Bear in mind that you can create a list of rituals in each category… but you'll only pick a handful that you will want to tackle daily, weekly, monthly.  And make a checklist of the rituals that you want to start with (maybe add in some that you are already pleased with yourself for doing already, just so that you can check things off and feel successful right off the bat).  Make your rituals last 30 days for them to become an ingrained habit.  And remember that when you 'fall off track', don't beat yourself up, just get back on track.


NOW, create your Monthly Plan  (Maybe get a nice hard bound journal to put this in!)

•Review your previous month

•Remove non-relevant tasks

•Carry over important uncompleted tasks

•Identify you most important tasks that you are CHOOSING to do

•Update your calendar, day timer, scheduler


NEXT, create your Weekly Plan

•Review your previous week

•Review your values

•Review your listing of rituals

•On a blank page write your values

•Then write down one BIG ROCK (as it relates to your rituals and/or ways to live your values) in each of your value areas

•Write down your additional roles / tasks that you need to do

•Then schedule these things into your calendar


LASTLY, if it works for you, do a Daily Plan

•Write one thing you're grateful for

•Write your 3 most important tasks for the day

•Write our your miscellaneous tasks to complete

•Now schedule your day


There you go!  A big long blog to help you reframe your actions and move forwards into 2015 with intention and your values!  Have a great year everyone!





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