Laurie's Blogs.


Aug 2018

How do you know?

You’ve taken the courses, you’ve completed the exams, you’ve spent some time shadowing / interning.  So, are you ready to get started? Here are some things you need to ask yourself: 1. Do you feel confident in your rehab skills & knowledge?&nb...
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Jul 2018

Keeping Calm in Chaos

For this week’s blog, I searched other blog posts, and journal articles for inspiration.  No such luck!  The truth is, I have so much on my plate right now, that I’m not doing a very good job of ‘getting out of my head’.  My brain is spinnin...
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Jul 2018

“Off-Season” Protective Tendon Training for Canine Athletes

Based on last week’s blog about “Preventing the 7 Deadly Sins of Tendon Management”, I am happy to bring you (my first draft of) Baseline Protective Tendon Training for Canine Athletes. So, it is perhaps a fallacy that athletes need a total ‘rest peri...
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Jul 2018

Preventing the 7 Deadly Sins of Tendon Management

I’ve had a document sitting on my desk top for a few years now… (oh you should see my computer’s desk top!)  Anyways, it was a synopsis of the 2016 Sports Medicine Australia Conference, written by Mick Hughes (no relation), and for the life of me, I cannot...
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Jul 2018

7 Things to Consider Regarding the Growth of Your Business

 Many practitioners wind up finding themselves caught between a rock and a hard place when it comes to growth.  Don’t we all want our practices to grow?  Well, therein lies the double-edged sword.  What are the things you need to consider when it comes t...
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Jul 2018

Canada Day Inspirations!

 So, here I sit, on Canada Day (July 1st). Canada is 151 years old.  (We’re such babies!  That’s why we have great skin!)  And I’m trying to think of what to write about!  I should have drafted a blog on Monday or Wednesday or Friday&hel...
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Jun 2018

Canine Rehabilitation as Preventative Wellness

By Laurie Edge-Hughes, BScPT, MAnimSt (Animal Physio), CAFCI, CCRT How many times have you examined a patient and thought, ‘Man, if only this dog had gotten to me sooner, he wouldn’t be in such a mess’?  And how many times have you thought, ‘If o...
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Jun 2018

Canine Rehab Regrets & Growth

I have collated the survey responses!!! Thank you to those who took the time to answer.  I think the answers were thought provoking indeed.  Please have a read and see what you think (and reflect on your own practice!) 2.  What are some things that you ca...
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Jun 2018

E-stim & the Spinal Cord Injury

 Photo Credit: off the bat, I will tell you that I had always thought that using e-stim on a spinal cord injured patient was garbage - A complete waste of time, and the client’s money!  However, re...
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Jun 2018

Help! My Patient Isn't Getting Stronger!

Have you had this happen to you?  You think you’re on the right track. You are gradually progressing your exercise sessions, but you don’t want to injure your patient… so you don’t prescribe “anything too crazy”!  But your patient is...
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