2017: Jan-Feb: Volume 6, Issue 1

07 Jan 2017
The EXERCISE & THE BRAIN edition! What happens when you exercise your dog before or after a 'learning' event? How does exercise impact canine brain changes in aging? This newsletter will give you an insight into these topics!
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New in cruciate treatment

27 Dec 2016
Thank you to Dr. David Lane of Points East West Veterinary Services for providing this audio update. Listen to new information on SIMITRI, CORA, & stem cell + PRP for cruciate tears / cruciate disease.
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Business & Marketing - Part 15 - Facebook Marketing

15 Dec 2016
Facebook is an economical way to market your business! This 30 min audio will get you started. NOTE: I FORGOT to include to make sure that your website has a Like us on Facebook icon, as does your e-mail appt. reminder 'signature', your e-blasts, and put a sign up in your waiting room / rehab department - Like us on FB (and provide your FB address).
Download Right click the link and select Save As to download the audio file.

Video Training 152: Functional Exercises

11 Dec 2016
The full length version. Be sure to watch for quality of movement. Think WHY am I doing this exercise? What do I want to accomplish? And so on...
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Video Training 151: Pain Management Part 6

27 Nov 2016
Modalities for the Management of CHRONIC Pain. Here you will learn what works, what doesn't, and what settings are going to be best in regards to chronic pain management. Don't forget to go to the Articles section (under pain management course) to print out the handouts.
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Pain Management - Part 6 - Modalities for CHRONIC Pain

27 Nov 2016
Modalities for the Management of CHRONIC Pain. Learn about dosages, settings, and more!
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Video Training 150: Pain Management Part 5

13 Nov 2016
The Impact of Pain on the Body. Be well rested and ready to think when you watch or listen to this video. It's important stuff! This video discusses the impact of pain on the body - the neuromusculoskeletal system, the immune system, the endocrine system... Then go to the Articles section (under pain management course) to print out the handouts.
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Pain Management - Part 5 - The Impact of Pain on the Body

13 Nov 2016
The impact of pain on the body. It has wide reaching implications!
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2016: Nov-Dec: Volume 5, Issue 6

30 Oct 2016
The CANNABIS edition! Medical Marijuana, Hemp, Cannabinoids, Cannabadiol! Have you wondered if it's useful? Have you wondered if it's helpful? THIS newsletter will help you to better understand the research behind cannabis.
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Protocol: Iliopsoas Strain

20 Oct 2016
Iliopsoas strains! Let this handout help you to help your patients recover from this condition! Print off on your own letter head!
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Video Training 149: Pain Management Part 4

02 Oct 2016
What can rehab do for acute pain? Check out this video to learn more. Follow along by printing out the handout in the Articles Section (under Pain Management Course).
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Pain Management - Part 4 - Acute Pain & Biomedical Rehab Management

02 Oct 2016
What to do for acute pain - from a rehab perspective.
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Pain Management - Part 3 - Pharmaceutical Management of Pain

28 Sep 2016
BASIC pharmaceutical management of pain. (Sorry it's in colour - the Black & White version was missing font! Do feel free to print in B & W however!)
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Video Training 148: Pain Management Part 3

18 Sep 2016
Pharmaceutical management of pain. (This video primarily targets acute and chronic pain. Peri-operative treatment is not covered.)
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2016: Sept-Oct: Volume 5, Issue 5

04 Sep 2016
Cool science to back up, validate, and elucidate the mechanisms of action of acupuncture, as well as a review of the evidence (what works), and a comparison between acupoints and myofascial trigger points! BIG Informative Newsletter!
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Video Training 147: Pain Management Part 2

21 Aug 2016
Part 2 of the Pain Management series is about Evaluation of Pain. Check out the Articles section for the handouts (in the Pain Management Course category). The pain management forms can be found in the Objective Measaures & Forms category in the Articles section.
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Pain Management - Part 2 - Evaluation of Pain

21 Aug 2016
Evaluation of Pain
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Outcome Measures & Forms: Glasgow Pain Scale

21 Aug 2016
Glasgow Canine Pain Scale - Short Form
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Outcome Measures & Forms: CSU FELINE

21 Aug 2016
CSU - acute pain measurement FELINE
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Outcome Measures & Forms: CSU CANINE

21 Aug 2016
CSU - acute pain measurement CANINE
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The Marketing Manifesto Workbook

09 Aug 2016
Watch the videos. Follow along with the powerpoint handouts. Then print this out as your actionable WORKBOOK to jump start your canine rehab success! The password to open this document is: Growyourbusiness
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FourLeg Newsletter - Shockwave Therapy - Part 1

08 Aug 2016
Ever wondered about shock wave therapy? Should you buy one? Are you using yours correctly? What else can you be treating? This issue contains information about what shock wave is... its use on calcific tendon lesions... and even using it for fracture healing! Read up!
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FourLeg Newsletter - Shockwave Therapy - Part 2

08 Aug 2016
Shock wave and The Spine... Osteoarthritis... Neurogenic Hypertonia... Plantar Fasciitis, Other Soft Tissue Tendinopathies... Read up!!
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FourLeg Newsletter Shockwave (Part 3) and More

08 Aug 2016
This newsletter has information on lasers & swimming as well as on Shockwave. One shockwave article is a review (and spoiler alert, it looks awesome for RADIAL shockwave). The other is a review of a published paper on the use of radial shockwave for canine hip osteoarthritis.
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More Shockwave Literature

08 Aug 2016
Not convinced about shockwave yet? How about some more papers to help convince you!
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Video Training 146: Pain Management Part 1

07 Aug 2016
This is the beginning of a multipart series on Pain Management. Part 1 deals with the Basics of Nociception. Check out the Articles section to find the handouts this presentation within the section Pain Management Course.
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Pain Management - Glossary of Terms

07 Aug 2016
Glossary of Terms for Pain Management
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Pain Management - References

07 Aug 2016
References for the entire Pain Management course
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Pain Management - Part 1 - The Basics of Nociception

07 Aug 2016
The basics of nociception.
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Video Training 145: Achilles Tendon Treatment

24 Jul 2016
Remember the video on assessment of Achilles tendon tears? (Video Training 132) This is the follow up video that looks at the post-operative treatment of the surgically repaired Achilles tendon tear.
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2016: July-Aug: Volume 5, Issue 4

09 Jul 2016
Read this newsletter to learn more about PRP and it's use for osteoarthritis, and checkout two reviews on lumbosacral disc disease! Enjoy the learning!
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Video Training 144: Exercise Creativity

26 Jun 2016
Looking for ideas for exercises: A wobbly 3-legged plank? Abdominal activation? Obstacles with a twist? Power Ups for Quads, Glutes, Hams?
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How to increase your busy-ness!

14 Jun 2016
Based on a survey, what to do when you're not busy! This is a compilation of thoughts, ideas, suggestions and strategies. ENJOY!
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Business & Marketing - Part 18 - Target Market Sequencing (to get vet referrals)

28 May 2016
You don't go on a date and ask the other person to marry you right away! So why would you expect the vet to want to refer to you just because you handed him or her your brochure? Learn how to strategically stage your marketing efforts!
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2016: May-June: Volume 5, Issue 3

15 May 2016
In this newsletter, you'll learn more about Laser (superpulsed & continuous wave as well as laser & stem cells), shockwave (radial vs focused and use on hip OA), and lastly swimming and hip osteoarthritis. Dive right in and enjoy!
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Video Training 143: First Rib - Scalenes - Myofascial

01 May 2016
Treating first rib without the 'YIPE'! Try this myofascial hold to target the Scalenes.
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Supplies and steps for stifle casting (for bracing)

17 Apr 2016
So you're going to cast a leg in order to send away for a stifle brace. Here's a simple list of what to gather & what to do!
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2016: March-April: Volume 5, Issue 2

03 Apr 2016
This newsletter is fairly interesting to me. Stem cells as they relate to neurologic issues. Some of these things I found to be absolutely fascinating (IV injections of stem cells for example)! Enjoy!
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Video Training 142: Stretches for the spine (chest, torso, abdomen)

20 Mar 2016
PART THREE: And finally in the series of keeping YOU healthy, stretches for the spine. Stretches for YOUR spine!
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Video Training 141: Stretches for the Lower Body

06 Mar 2016
PART TWO: Keeping YOU healthy and able to do canine rehab longer! Stretches for YOUR lower body!
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Video Training 140: Stretches for the Upper Body

20 Feb 2016
PART ONE: Keeping YOU healthy and able to do canine rehab longer! Stretches for YOUR upper body!
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Video Training 139: Intro to Visceral Manipulation

07 Feb 2016
Now, keep an open mind! Visceral manipulation is an osteopathic technique for helping with organ mobility & motility. And organ dysfunction could have an impact on the musculoskeletal system. So in this video, we will discuss the background to this area of practice and go over one technique - sphincter release - that could be helpful for your patients!
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Pricing & Packaging

31 Jan 2016
Based on an e-mail question, and subsequent survey of FourLeg Members, here is a compilation of current trends in regards to pricing & packaging of services. I hope it helps you in making relevant decisions in your business!
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Video Training 138: Ttouch Wraps for Sensory Integration

24 Jan 2016
Did you see that guest blog by Silvia Lavallee on the Sensory Integration Ttouch wraps? Well, here is a little video of a few different wraps from the Ttouch wraps books. Try them out and see if they help any of your patients!
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Video Training 137: Sensory Integration Cases

17 Jan 2016
Now you have an idea of what Sensory Integration is, here is a video that gives you some case examples. And as my former neurology professor once said, "if these techniques work on a neurologically compromised system, just think how well they might work on a normal nervous system".
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Video Training 136: Sensory Integration Background

10 Jan 2016
Sensory integration is the process of taking in, sorting out, and responding to all of the sensory information in the environment. But what if that system is not functioning properly? Then that is a sensory processing disorder. Okay... so that can happen... Now what? Check here to learn more!
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2016 Jan-Feb: Volume 5, Issue 1

02 Jan 2016
This newsletter is about Stem Cells, and in particular their use in tendinopathies and osteoarthritis. Check it out!
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Video Training 135: Casting for an Orthotic

27 Dec 2015
At our last staff meeting, we did a little casting practice for sending moulds away to the different orthotic companies. Here is a little compilation of the event and our tidbits of wisdom in doing these over the years. Bracing. Orthosis. Brace. Splint. Splinting.
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Video Training 134: Post-PRP Rehab Protocol

20 Dec 2015
So, you have a patient coming to you who has just had a PRP injection. What do you do? Here is the best I could come up with for a rehab plan based on the information I could find! Get the written document in the Protocol section in Articles. Platelet-rich plasma.
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Protocol: Post-PRP TENDON Injection Rehab

20 Dec 2015
Ideas for what to with with your patient that has had a PRP tendon injection. (Watch the video training 134 to expand upon these ideas.)
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Video Training 133: PRP 101 - the low down

13 Dec 2015
There is a lot of talk about regenerative medicine and the information out there can be a bit confusion or misleading. So this is my review of the most relevant literature. Platelet-rich plasma. PRP.
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Buiness & Marketing - Part 17 - Getting Doctor Referrals

06 Dec 2015
I get this question all the time: How can I get the doctors to refer me more patients? So I did a little research and compiled all of the suggestions. Enjoy the listen and good luck to your practice!
Download Right click the link and select Save As to download the audio file.

Video Training 132: Diagnosis of an Achilles Tendon Tear

29 Nov 2015
Thank you to Tania Costa for the creation & inspiration for this video. Ever had a dog come in with a suspected Achilles Tendon strain / tear? Then you need to watch this video to get some back ground information and see a case presentation.
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Video Training 131: Geriatric Weakness & Ataxia

22 Nov 2015
This video stems from a Q & A about what to do and what might be going on with those older dogs with hind end weakness and ataxia.
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Video Training 130: The Back Pain Dance

15 Nov 2015
Human pain management science is leaning heavily towards the neurologic and psychologic components to pain experience. And because of neuroplasticity, we can change our experience of chronic pain. Check out this video (and by the way, it's working great for my back pain dogs)!
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Video Training 129: Treatment plan for Bell's Palsy

08 Nov 2015
Before watching this, you may want to check out the 2015 Nov-Dec FourLeg Newsletter. Lots of great background into in there. Here, I compile some of the info to create a treatment plan for the next dog that walks through your doors with Bell's Palsy!
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2015 Nov-Dec: Volume 4, Issue 6

01 Nov 2015
This newsletter is about Bell's Palsy - a condition that physiotherapy / physical therapy can play a part in treating. Read here to learn about the signs & symptoms, the current thoughts regarding etiology, treatments that are used, recommended, and/or tried for this condition in people and in dogs. Then stay tuned next week for Training Video 129 to put it all together as it would apply to your canine patient with Bell's Palsy! Enjoy!
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Video Training 128: Marketing Part 2

25 Oct 2015
Part 2 of Marketing to attract a target niche. In this video learn about article marketing, direct marketing, word of mouth marketing & purple cow strategies, as well as the concept of creating a funnel and container for your prospects to follow in order to engage with you and eventually do business with you.
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Video Training 127: Marketing Part 1

17 Oct 2015
Being competent and good at what you do is one thing... but you have to get the customers in the door first! Part one of Marketing to attract a target niche will take you through the need for marketing and talk you through tactics versus strategies, and the first few strategies that you might consider implementing into your business.
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Video Training 125: Part 1 Conservative Mgmt Patellar Lux

11 Oct 2015
Part one... because this ended up being another really long video... of Conservative Management of Patellar Luxation. A plan for prevention or treatment of a grade 2 luxation, or any patellar luxation where surgery is not wanted or possible. Might as well have a plan, right? Yes, the audio is 'off' on this, so you'll have to 'read' the parts that you can't hear... sorry in advance. patella, stifle, kneecap, patellofemoral
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Video Training 126: Part 2 Conservative Mgmt Patellar Luxation

11 Oct 2015
Part two... what to do with the Medial Patellar Luxation. Yes, the audio is 'off' on this, so you'll have to 'read' the parts that you can't hear... sorry in advance. patella, stifle, kneecap, patellofemoral
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Conservative Management of Medial Patellar Luxation Protocol

04 Oct 2015
Protocol for Conservative Management of Medial Patellar Luxation. Feel free to print it off on your own letter head (keeping my copyright of course!) :)
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Video Training 124: Patellar Luxation people vs dogs...

13 Sep 2015
Patellar Luxation in people vs in dogs... what we can learn and why things look different between the two species. Preparation & background knowledge in order to come up with a plan for conservative management! patella, stifle, kneecap, patellofemoral
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2015 Sept - Oct: Volume 4, Issue 5

06 Sep 2015
This newsletter is the first part of a 3-part series looking at the creation of a conservative management program for (medial) patellar luxation. So in this newsletter I have compiled the information on human and dog statistics. And training videos 124, 125, & 126 will expand upon the information! Enjoy!
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Video Training 123: Temporary Foot Protection

30 Aug 2015
What to do when the dog is dragging it's foot and you want to protect it and test whether a 'foot-holder-upper-type-bootie' would be of use? Do this!!!!neuro, neurologic, paw, geriatric
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Video Training 122: Step Ups Exercise for rear leg strengthening

23 Aug 2015
Short and sweet, one of my favourite leg building exercises. Check out this little video to learn more about step ups - for quads, glutes, & gastrocs.
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Post-Operative Elbow Protocol

19 Aug 2015
By special request: A protocol for any post-operative elbow surgery. With space at the top of page one for you to print it onto your own letterhead!
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Video Training 121: Things NOT to do!

17 Aug 2015
Based on a question / comment from a member regarding things NOT to do with various cases... I have crafted this video. Topics include: Tendinopathies, Post-Op Cruciates, Facet, Rib, & SIJ manual therapy, IVDD neck, IVDD back, osteoarthritis, post-exercise muscle soreness, and finally ANY injury or Post-Op.
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video Training 120: Adverse Neural Tissue Tension - part 3

09 Aug 2015
This video looks at TREATMENT of the adverse neural tissues... again, play along by trying it on your own nerves - and then grab a dog... but go easy, nerves can be temperamental! Dural mobility & mobilization. nerve glides, nerve gliding, dura, dural tension, nerve flossing
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Video Training 119: Adverse Neural Tissue Tension - part 2

02 Aug 2015
This video now provide the information on how to assess for adverse neural tissue tension - human and canine (play along with your own nerves... just for fun!) Part 2 of 3. Dural mobility & mobilization. nerve glides, nerve gliding, dura, dural tension, nerve flossing
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Video Training 118: Adverse Neural Tissue Tension - part 1

26 Jul 2015
This video provide the background information on the nervous system and why nerves could undergo adverse tension. Part 1 of 3. Dural mobility & mobilization. nerve gliding, nerve glides, dura, dural tension, nerve flossing
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2015 May - June: Volume 4, Issue 3

20 Jul 2015
Just for a change... some equine research that could be applicable to canine rehab: Spinal manual therapy; Allied health therapies; Postural indicators of back pain; PRP in tendons; Regenerative medicine for tendons & ligaments; and some cartoons to keep you entertained!
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2015 July - Aug: Volume 4, Issue 4

20 Jul 2015
All about Elbow Enthesopathy. Say what? This somewhat uncommon condition elbow condition is worth knowing about, because it may actually be happening in a fraction of your elbow lameness patients!! So read, learn, and enjoy! :)
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Video Training 117: Tips & Tricks for Testing Patellar Luxations

12 Jul 2015
Yes, yes... you've all read the books and been shown the basic way for testing for a patellar luxation. But this video gives you some tips and tricks for doing it a bit differently, thinking about muscle pull, testing in standing... commentary on treatment, and more! patella, patellofemoral, kneecap, stifle
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Video Training 116: Syringomyelia & Chiari Malformation

05 Jul 2015
Watch this, learn this, know this! If you are EVER treating (or plan on treating) a small or toy breed dog or a Cavalier... then you really need to watch this! brainstem, neurologic
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Business & Marketing - Part 16 - Sleep your way to success!

29 Jun 2015
Now that I have your attention! This is an interesting audio about the importance of sleep. Yes, I've sort of given away the punchline... but there's plenty of useful info in this audio. You really must check it out!
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Video Training 115: The Unstable SIJ

21 Jun 2015
So we tend to focus on mobilizing the hypo-mobile SIJ... but what about the unstable or hypermobile SIJ? What would you do in this scenario? Have you ever even considered it? Watch this epiphany video for my thoughts!! pelvis, pelvic, sacroiliac, ilium, sacrum
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Video Training 114: Toe Grips vs Booties for Slipping

14 Jun 2015
The next patient walks in and he/she is having troubles with slipping on the hardwood floors. Do you suggest Toe Grips or non-slip booties? Watch this video to help you decide! foot, neurologic, geriatric
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Protocol: Preventing Canine Hip Dysplasia

08 Jun 2015
A protocol to handout to puppy owners for the purpose of preventing canine hip dysplasia (or making an attempt to do so!)
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Shock Wave Newsletter - Part 1

08 Jun 2015
Ever wondered about shock wave therapy? Should you buy one? Are you using yours correctly? What else can you be treating? This issue contains information about what shock wave is... its use on calcific tendon lesions... and even using it for fracture healing! Read up!
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Shock Wave Newsletter - Part 2

08 Jun 2015
Shock wave and The Spine... Osteoarthritis... Neurogenic Hypertonia... Plantar Fasciitis, Other Soft Tissue Tendinopathies... Read up!!
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Video Training 113: Preventing Hip Dysplasia - Part 2

31 May 2015
And when you put all of the information together... here is a plan for preventing canine hip dysplasia.
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Video Training 112: Preventing Hip Dysplasia - Part 1

17 May 2015
I believe that some hip dysplasia cases could be prevented. Watch Part 1 of preventing hip dysplasia to firstly see the rationale for this theory!
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Video Training 111: Old Dog New Assessment

10 May 2015
I am repeatedly asked to video new assessments. This one, the owner thought that the problem was at the hock... I found a problem in the neck. Sometimes that's how it goes!
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Video Training 110: Studying Animal Body Language

26 Apr 2015
My TED-styled talk - "Things I do in my spare time that make me a better physiotherapist".
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Video Training 109: Diaphragm Release Technique

19 Apr 2015
This is a novel manual therapy technique. It has some varied applications... back pain, rib pain, iliopsoas pain, poor topline, and perhaps more! And I think you should try it!! myofascial release, manual therapy
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Video Training 108: Rehab Therapy for Vestibulitis

12 Apr 2015
Once the cause for the vestibulitis is identified & treated... now you want to treat the dizziness in the dog. Watch here to learn more! vestibular, BPPV, geriatric idiopathic vestibulitis, vestibular
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Video Training 107: Canine Vestibulitis

05 Apr 2015
This video talks about vestibulitis: signs, symptoms, causes, treatments... from the veterinary perspective. It covers all things except idiopathic geriatric vestibulitis. vestibular.
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Video Training 106: A new assessment

29 Mar 2015
New Assessment...
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2015 Mar-Apr: Volume 4, Issue 2

22 Mar 2015
READ THIS! Odd and unusual things that, as a rehab practitioner, might cross your doorstep. Arteriothrombosis / Thromboembolism... Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy... Synovial Hemangioma.
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Video Training 105: Physio for Incontinence in Dogs - Part 2

15 Mar 2015
And there was just so much to apply… that this is part 2. Human stuff applied to the incontinent bitch!
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Video Training 104: Physio for Incontinence in Dogs - part 1

08 Mar 2015
Grab a pen and paper... you're going to want to take notes!!! Now watch how you can apply human physio concepts to treating the incontinent (likely female) canine patient! Part 1 (because I had so much to share!)...
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Urinary Incontinence in Women

02 Mar 2015
Last week in Video Training 103 you learned about the Urinary Incontinence in the Bitch. This audio is about the current concepts (including where physiotherapy / PT fits into treatment) for Urinary Incontinence in Women. Tune in to Video Training 104 next week for how to apply human 'incontinence physio' techniques to the female dog!
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Urinary Incontinence in Women

02 Mar 2015
Handout to go with the AUDIO - Urinary Incontinence in Women.
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Urinary Incontinence in the Bitch

02 Mar 2015
Handout to go with Video Training 103 - Urinary Incontinence in the Bitch
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Video Training 103: Urinary Incontinence in the Bitch

22 Feb 2015
Part 1 of 3. This video is about what is currently known and done for urinary incontinence in the female dog. Next week's learning will be an AUDIO file about what is currently known & done for women with urinary incontinence... with a big focus on what physio can do! Incontinent.
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Video Training 102: Handling 101 - Part C

15 Feb 2015
And the last video of this series... some additional handling techniques with dogs that just might want to eat me (in the right situation) and one that actually tries!
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Massage101-Muscle Pain

09 Feb 2015
This is the video I've done as a 'free webinar' to attract clients and get them interested in the Massage 101 Mini-Course series!
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09 Feb 2015
This is the pre-video created to educate dog owners on some basic superficial anatomy to help them landmark a few muscles before getting started with massage!
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Massage101-Geriatric Joint & Muscle Assessment

09 Feb 2015
This is just a bonus video. I have it up on my clinic's website for owners.
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